I read a chilling article today about a woman who was stalked by a fellow Foursquare user at a restaurant. While the situation is as creepy as it is unique, one thing that many social media users don't own up to is their own accountability in usage. I'm not saying sites like PleaseRobMe (the live Twitter/Foursquare site that announced users home departures) are at all justified in what they do; in fact, I think websites like that cross a major line that takes social media from something fostering open communication to a more fearful type of relationship. Regardless of how you use social media, I think there are four guidelines that everyone has to consider before making that Check-In, posting that Facebook Status or sending that Tweet.
1. What are my privacy settings like? My Facebook is locked up tighter than Fort Knox, and that's because the things I share on Facebook aren't meant for anyone's eyes but those of my friends and family. The best decision you can make before opening an account on any social media platform is planning what you do and do not want to share, which brings me to my next point...
2. Monitor what the news is saying about a platform. Most people know about the Facebook privacy issues that have been on everyone's lips recently, but there are still some users that had no idea. While it's easy to blame Facebook, you have to hold yourself somewhat accountable as well. Taking a moment to Google the platform and see what bloggers or news sites are saying about it is a step that you should take from time to time, regardless of what you're posting (personal or professional).
3. Self censor based on your own guidelines. I spoke earlier about Facebook being for personal use only... while it's tempting to add a co-worker to a personal-use account to share with them some photos, keep in mind your own professionalism. Do you really want your co-worker (or, if your co-worker has a nasty streak, your boss or other colleagues) to know how you feel about working late or what you did during your "sick day?" Now more than ever, social media tears down alibis for everything from work to divorces to a white lie to a friend. I'm not by any means endorsing lying. I'm just saying that by keeping home and friends on one platform and professional acquaintances on another, you'll be saving yourself from a lot of embarrassment, and helping avoid any dangerous situations.
4. When in doubt, Google yourself. As someone who routinely Googles herself to see how high her LinkedIn page is ranking, imagine my surprise last summer when I found that some ex-employees I had worked with at my parents' business were making threats on MySpace about my family and me. Obviously, lessons were learned by both parties that don't need any more discussion. However, the point is that while you may be embarrassed about typing your own name into a search engine, finding a threat to your safety and stopping it before it becomes an issue far outweighs the momentary discomfort.
While social media is fun and opens new doors in learning and communicating, there are always risks when using the platforms. By watching what you say, who you say it to, privacy agreements and monitoring your usage as well as others' usage of your name, you can keep the conversation going without worrying what the cost could be.
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