Friday, May 21, 2010

Be a Retweet Ninja!

Looking at my feed today alone, I noticed that I've been retweeting articles like a Twitter Ninja in the night.
I'm wondering... is this helpful, or obnoxious?

Here's the deal when it comes to Retweets.

1. You should share but with reason.
If you're only re-tweeting the link but not saying why you found it helpful, you're just putting another random string of characters out into the universe.

2. Add a hashtag if there isn't one!
If you find a great article for PR that doesn't already contain a #PR, add it! How many more people will see that article because of your addition?

3. Pair it up with something else.
Facebook's on everyone's lips today, but there are so many viewpoints that it's hard to get them all straight. If you find two good articles for different sides of the Facebook debacle, post them together! Bit.Ly should be your BFF for this.

By treating your Retweets to some personalization, you're adding credibility (proof you're not a bot) to a blogger you support, and you're making a name for yourself as someone who's thoughtful and contributes to a hashtag community. That makes everyone happy.

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